J&K Amateur Soft Tennis Associations for development and promotion of sports and to protect the youth from Negative influences in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K).The Association is neither a political nor a Government organization. It is purely non-Government non political organization formed for promotion and propagation of Soft Tennis sports in the State/UT of Jammu & Kashmir.
Headquarter / Registered Office:- The Headquarter and Registered Office of the Association is Khidmat Centre Building, Tahab, Puwama Pin Code-192301, District Pulwama (Jammu and Kashmir), Email Id:-softtennisjk@gmail.com
Website:- https://jksofttennis.com/
Journey started in : 2003
Founder : Dr.Gh.Hassan
Technical Director : Dr.GH Hassan
Aims and Objectives of the J&K Amateur Soft Tennis Association
To promote encourage, develop and spread the sports in all age Groups ( Children, Boys, Girls, adults, sub-Junior(Boys and Girls), Junior(Boys and Girls) and Senior (Men and women) for all genders.
To encourage the formation of District Associations, Departmental Teams, Registered Sports, Clubs/Units etc. of State/UT Association.
To organize and conduct Block level, Inter Block Level, Tehsil level, District, Inter District, Inter School, State and National Level, competitions and various workshops Seminars, awareness programs and exhibition matches etc. for development of sports and physical education.
The association aims to participate in Zonal, State/UT, National, International events and to organize Coaching Camps by J&K Amateur Soft Tennis Association.
To develop Team sprit in accordance with the true sprite of sportsmanship among the youths of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K).
To do all other things which may be convenient for development of popularity of sports for the alignment of the objects and for enhancement of the status of the Association
To maintain peace among the sports lovers of J&K through press Electronic Media, Social Media, through the conduct of various sports activities through the Association in J&K
Our Team Members
It gives me a feeling of happy satisfaction and delighted to be associated with J&K Amateur Soft Tennis Association.
My blessings are always there with you all.
Mr. Sameer Ahmad Shah (Coach JKASTA)
Behind every fearless player is a fearless coach who refused to let them be anything but the best they can be.
That’s my motto is, after being a coach in J&K Amateur Soft Tennis Association. I want to bring out the best in every player.
Mr. Indu Bhushan (Coach JKASTA)
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. ..
J&K Amateur Soft Tennis Association has a positive approach and outlook. Working at the
ground level can be very challenging but I appreciate the
the way they working towards their goal by promoting sports and
Mr. Asif Altaf (Coach JKASTA) Mobile No. 9149575972